What Does Newlyweds In Online Casino Mean
As you might know, slangs are an intrinsic part of life. They are found everywhere and serve as a means of describing something in an unusual or unusually creative way, while preventing outsiders from getting at what is actually being referred to.
The online casino world is filled to the brim with slangs. Some are coined every day in an online casino, thereby requiring bettors to try and keep abreast of the current terms in use. Other slangs have been used for decades and might make no apparent sense to linguists or historians.

An example of such slang is a Newlywed. As you might imagine, this descriptive term does NOT refer to a newly wedded and crazily-in-love couple eager to start their new life together.
Instead, the term newlywed when used in Poker refers to a two-card hand that consists of a king and queen. It can also be used when these dual cards make up a bigger 5 or 7 card hand.
Sometimes, the term is used in reference to a hand made up of a suited hand of K-Q. However, a combo made up of these 2 cards is normally referred to as either “newlyweds” or a “newlywed hand”. They can also be called a “Royal Couple”.
Newlyweds in Online Casino- A Detailed Explanation
Frequently in Poker, players give varying nicknames to the cards they happen to be holding. This can be quite useful, most especially in stud Poker, where the cards get dealt face down.
Usually, players take a quick look at their cards, before speedily placing them face down again. As an aid in remembering the exact cards they have, without being obliged to take frequent peeks at it and so alert other players, they took to giving nicknames to varied hands.
One such nickname was the newlyweds, which was assigned to a pair that consisted of the king and queen. These hands are usually of a matching suit, but the nickname is also used in reference to such off-suit hands as K-Q.
The term the “royal couple” can also be used to refer to such hands. Occasionally, when it fails to win, the king-queen hand is termed a “divorce”. On the other hand, it is called a “marriage” when it is successful in forming wins. As for the K-Q off-suit pair, some players in an online casino refer to these as a “mixed marriage”.
The “mixed marriage” hand is much desirable as it can make for the biggest natural straight in a Poker game, with an opening being provided for an ace, in addition to lower level cards. When properly suited, they can start off a flush and possibly a straight flush. When there is also a royal house in the hand, it is referred to as a “royal flush” and easily bests any other hand present on the Poker table.
Now that you know all about newlyweds why not log into an online casino of your choice and try to form such a hand. Experiment, get the hands “married”, “divorced” or whatever you have and have as much fun as you can take in an online casino!